Prof. Ikaweba Bunting, PhD
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The Director of Department of Unity for the Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation in Tanzania and Coordinator for the Secretariat of the Tanzanian National Taskforce to develop the National Action Plan for UNSCR 1325 Women Peace and Security. He is the Secretary General of the Global Pan African Movement. He worked for the Tanzanian Film Company and is a past CEO and Festival Director of ZIFF. Professor Ikaweba conducted the last interview of Julius Nyerere, the first president of Tanzania prior to president Nyerere’s death in 1999.
ZIFF A Pan African Arena For Cultural Self-Determination and Empowerment of the African Imagination
A Pan African Arena for Cultural Self-DeterminationAnd Empowerment of The African Imagination The ancient ‘Rock Art’ found in…
August 19, 2023