This Issue focuses largely on Herstory – the Cover Story highlights Dr Frene Ginwala who passed away early this year at the age of ninety. Born in South Africa and of South Asian origin, this remarkably courageous and visionary woman played a major role in both the pre- and post-apartheid the story of her country. She also was a staunch feminist who fought against patriarchal policies and behaviours. With two, largely journalistic working spells in East Africa, we too can claim a special association with her.
The on-going protest movement in Iran against the ‘mandatory’ wearing of the hijab is explored. Initiated by the brave women of Iran, it has now spread to Iranians across the board demanding their democratic rights. And the very disturbing ‘Sex for Work’ veracity on some of Kenya’s multi-national tea farms is further exposed. While our own Kenyan Mandamanos keep us on edge, perhaps this reading will help us to strike a balance on global realities.
Stephen Partington’s review of Salimah Valiani’s Love Pandemic is a skillfull insight into this poet’s emotional and intellectual depths and linkages. Both are highly recommended for an ethereal experience. Happy Reading!